In the year 11945 during the 14th Machine War Earth has suddenly been invaded by extraterrestrial life forms, armed with weapons known as “bio-machines.” Facing imminent destruction, mankind had no choice but to flee the Earth and take refuge on the moon. To reclaim their planet, humanity formed a resistance army of android soldiers, the “YoRHa.” The Virtuous Contract Sword is wielded in battle by 2B, one of the all-purpose battle androids. Our reproduction sword is accurate in every detail to the sword found in the popular game, Nier: Automata. It has a 24 1/2” stainless steel blade and a cast resin handle, which has a white tassel accent, and the highly detailed tsuba is of cast metal. The sword comes housed in a faux leather shoulder strap sheath. If you’re a fan of the game, you must have this magnificent replica sword!